Increase Conversions. Improve Retention. 

Strategic Copy Audits & Rewrites Designed to Help SaaS Companies Optimize the Customer Journey

Meet Monique Poché
The Copy Auditor

As a former accountant, I audited financials to determine how companies could increase profits.

I know, pretty boring, right?

Now that I'm a Certified SaaS Conversion Copywriter, I have a lot more fun applying that same level of determination and attention-to-detail to copy. With over 14 years of copywriting experience, I dig deep to uncover areas needing changes or improvement.

By improving content and copy, you will see an increase in conversions and improved retention. If you're looking to boost ARR or haven't made changes to your copy in a while, contact me today to see if we should work together. 

(And, I promise, no strange men in suits will show up at your door unannounced.)

SaaS Copy Audits to Optimize Your User Journey

Click below for details on our featured copy audit packages  

SaaS Pricing Page Audit Packages

Show us your pricing page and we'll give you a recorded video explaining our recommendations for improvement. Your pricing page needs to be treated like the sales page it is! Choose from audit-only or rewrite options.

Email Copy Audit Packages 

Having trouble getting subscribers to open your emails? Or are they not converting like you want them to? With a comprehensive email copy audit, we can provide you with insights on how to improve your open and click-thru rates.

Website Copy Audit Packages

Is your site not converting visitors like it should? Our website copy audit services help increase conversions by keeping visitors engaged. Hire us today and start converting visitors into paying customers.

What our clients say about working with us


"We absolutely loved working with Monique! She was a joy, always delivered her projects on time, and just super dependable in general. Her work output was superb :)"

Verizon Media (Yahoo)

"Monique provided high-quality deliverables for a variety of our product and marketing projects. She has great communication skills and met all deadlines. We enjoy working with her and will have additional jobs for her in the future."

Do you only perform copy audits or can I hire you for a copywriting-only project?

While we mainly focus on copy audits and rewrites, we are happy to work on new copywriting projects for you. Fill out our custom copy project form here to let us know all the details.

Do you only work with SaaS companies?

No, although our core expertise is within the SaaS industry, we have a lot of experience in finance, real estate, alternative health, and a host of other industries. Fill out our custom copywriting project form to let us know the details of what you need and we can schedule a time to chat and see if we're a good fit.

How long is your current waitlist?

Our current waitlist for audit-only projects is 2 - 3 weeks. For new copywriting projects, our waitlist is 3 - 6 weeks. depending on the scope of the project. 

If you need work completed quickly, you can jump to the front of our waitlist by scheduling a VIP day here. We reserve specific days on our calendar for these projects. Most VIP days can be scheduled within 1 - 2 weeks, if not sooner.

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